Mike Gates will join the KRBD staff as Programming Specialist October 1 but the new job might as well be called “Other duties as assigned”.

Fundraising and underwriting, that’s on the list. Programing and operations? That’s there too but a priority for the new position will be volunteers.

Mike is all about it, “it will be a genuine pleasure working with our talented and motivated team of on-air and other volunteers.” He will be involved in recruiting, training, and mentoring our on-air volunteer staff.

He’s walked that walk. In recent years, Mike has been one of those vital behind the scenes do-ers at fundraisers, pledge drives, and other KRBD events. He just stepped down from both the KRBD and CoastAlaska Boards of Directors and he hosted a long running music show as an on-air volunteer at KFSK in Petersburg.  

Another large part of Mike’s job will be Development. That’s the catch-all word for all things fundraising. Mike will be working with local businesses and agencies that want to highlight their support for the station.  He’ll dive right in-his first day at KRBD corresponds to the first day of the Fall Membership Drive.

Say hi to Mike when you stop by the station during the drive, October 2-8.