Ketchikan’s borough assembly denied rezoning a property to allow for an outdoor gun range near Ward Cove. That’s after several residents raised concerns about noise, lead shot leaching into Ward Creek and stray bullets close to hiking trails around Ward Lake. Only Assemblymember Susan Pickrell voted in favor of the rezone at Monday’s meeting.
But in other business, the assembly did approve rezoning Danger Island, a small parcel in Tongass Narrows near Refuge Cove. The owner has said he plans to bring tourists to the island for excursions.
The assembly also asked borough staff to revise a proposed transboundary mining resolution that would ask the provincial government of British Columbia to take a closer look at mines along the Unuk River.
Transboundary mine pollution has been a contentious issue between Alaska and B.C. Canadian mines have polluted other salmon-spawning rivers that cross the international boundary.
Assembly member Alan Bailey expressed concerns over the tone of the resolution, which asks the B.C. government to take “immediate” action. The assembly will consider a revised resolution at its Dec. 16 meeting.
The city of Ketchikan passed a similar resolution Monday after city staff revised a model resolution provided by the Southeast Alaska Conservation Council, an environmental advocacy group.