As of Monday in Alaska, smoking and vaping are no longer allowed inside public places, or outside, if within 20 feet of doors, windows or ventilation intake vents.
Violating the new law can lead to a $50 fine.
Municipalities are required to provide signs at their facilities, and the City of Ketchikan is working on signs to improve public awareness of this new state law.
In a memo, Safety Coordinator Jason Alderson has recommended that maintenance employees conduct an audit of city-owned facilities to determine how many signs will be needed.
The state smoking ban includes all enclosed public places and places of employment. So, smoking is no longer allowed in private offices, hotels, taxis, bars, restaurants, and any employee work area that’s under the control of an employer.
The new law does not apply to private residences, personal vehicles, business vehicles used exclusively by one person, and outdoor areas designated for smoking.
Here is a PDF of the new law: SmokefreeLaw