(Creative Commons photo by Brett Levin)
The Ketchikan City Council will take a second vote Thursday on an ordinance that would limit the number of cannabis cultivation businesses inside the city, and prohibit pot manufacturing businesses.
The ordinance was approved in first reading during the council’s last meeting by a 6-1 margin. Julie Isom cast the only dissenting vote. If it passes again on Thursday, the measure will cap cultivation businesses at two. And any potential marijuana product manufacturing business would have to find a location outside of city limits.
In a related matter, Ketchikan Police Chief Joe White provided a short memo to the council about illegal public consumption of marijuana. Some council members had asked how much of a problem that has become.
White writes that police have had 14 reports of public consumption. One of those resulted in a citation, he says, and six resulted in a verbal warning. For the seven remaining reports, White says officers weren’t able to find the individual allegedly smoking marijuana in public.
Also on Thursday, the council will discuss a report on removing a rock pinnacle in the Tongass Narrows. That pinnacle is a navigation hazard, especially for larger ships.
Thursday’s meeting starts at 7 p.m. in City Council chambers. Public comment will be heard at the start of the meeting.