The Ketchikan Gateway Borough Assembly meets Monday night. In unfinished business, the Assembly will consider authorizing an expenditure of $5,000 from the General Fund to help pay legal costs for an appeal by the State of Alaska regarding the Roadless Rule. The rule prohibits road construction, reconstruction and timber harvest on inventoried roadless areas. The Borough has been an intervenor in past challenges, and the $5,000 would contribute to the costs of attorney services for the new appeal.

Also Monday night, the assembly will consider a resolution endorsing the G4v design alternative for improvements to Ketchikan International Airport ferry facilities for the Gravina Access Project. In October, the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities presented its recommended plan for uplands improvements for the Revilla parking lot and ferry transfer bridge. At that time the Assembly generally supported the plan and directed staff to bring back a formal resolution of approval. A few minor changes were made to the preferred plan and will be considered by the Assembly.

The Assembly will hold a work session to discuss options and a process for selecting borough attorney services.  Borough Attorney Scott Brandt-Erichsen submitted his  resignation with an effective date of January 19, 2018. The Assembly will discuss whether to continue having an in-house attorney employed by the Borough or to use an independent contractor for legal services. Borough Mayor David Landis proposes to form an ad hoc committee to look into options. The committee would provide recommendations to the Assembly.

The meeting begins at 5:30 p.m. in Borough Assembly Chambers in the White Cliff Building. There will be time for public comment at the start of the meeting.