Schoenbar Middle School. (KRBD file photo)
A districtwide wellness policy revision is in front of the Ketchikan School Board on Wednesday for a public hearing, and second and final vote.
Most of the revisions are updates required by state and federal regulations.
One new state requirement is a minimum of about an hour of physical activity per day for kids in kindergarten through eighth-grade. That can be achieved through physical education classes, recess and mini-activity breaks during classroom time.
In other matters, Superintendent Robert Boyle writes in his report to the Board that with flat-funding from the state rather than a threatened cut to public education, the district appears to be in good financial shape for the coming year.
Boyle also reports that work on the new Houghtaling Elementary School drop-off zone is on schedule for completion by the start of school this fall.
Also Wednesday, the School Board will vote on teaching contracts for Joseph Fama to teach math at Ketchikan High School; and for Joseph Mainardi to teach geography and health at Schoenbar Middle School.
The Board meeting starts at 6 p.m. in Borough Assembly chambers at the White Cliff building. Public comment will be heard at the start and end of the meeting.