Fireworks light up the sky during 2014 Fourth of July celebrations in Ketchikan. (KRBD file photo)
With the Fourth of July holiday fast approaching, various state agencies have sent out alerts and announcements in hopes of improving public safety.
The Alaska State Fire Marshal’s Office notes that fireworks can cause severe injuries, including burns. The Fire Marshal urges Alaskans to leave fireworks to professionals trained to provide displays.
Alaska State Troopers and the Alaska Department of Transportation announced that they are teaming up to promote driving safety over the holiday weekend.
A DOT news release states that the weekend of the Fourth of July tends to have the highest fatality rate of the year, with alcohol consumption playing a large role.
Most of the special enforcement focus is on busy Southcentral Alaska highways. But, Troopers ask in a news release that everyone in the state wear seatbelts when in a car, that drivers pay close attention while operating a vehicle, and that anyone who sees dangerous driving report it right away.