From left, Gov. Bill Walker, Lt. Gov. Byron Mallott, Donna Walker and Toni Mallott clap for local performers during the community reception Saturday at Ketchikan’s shipyard.
Alaska’s new governor, Bill Walker, and lieutenant governor, Byron Mallott, were in Ketchikan last weekend for a series of inaugural events.
A free public reception at the Vigor Alaska shipyard attracted hundreds of residents, and

A young boy is among the Native dancers who performed at Saturday’s community reception at Ketchikan’s shipyard.
featured local Native dance groups, a rendition of Alaska’s Flag by Ketchikan High School choir students, and a performance by Studio Max dancers, along with speeches and greetings from local officials.
The inaugural ball at the Ted Ferry Civic Center on Saturday evening started with fireworks and bagpipers, another version of Alaska’s Flag, a Native story, brief speeches by Walker and Mallott, and a big band playing swing-dance music all night long.
KRBD’s Leila Kheiry attended the events, and put together this audio postcard. (Here’s an audio postcard, giving a sample of what happened during those events.)
That was an audio postcard from Saturday’s inaugural events in Ketchikan.
Seven communities hosted inaugural balls this year for the new administration. Alaska’s First City was the last of those seven to host an inaugural celebration for Gov. Walker and Lt. Gov. Mallott.