Shawn Blumenshine speaks to the Ketchikan Chamber of Commerce about the Path to Propsperity competition.
Shawn Blumenshine of Haa Aani spoke at the Greater Ketchikan Chamber of Commerce luncheon last week to introduce the new Path to Prosperity business development competition.
Haa Aani is a subsidiary of Sealaska Corporation, and has teamed up with The Nature Conservancy to present this opportunity.
The competition “aims to support business ideas” in Southeast Alaska that promote employment, positive socio-economic impacts, and sustainable resource use. Twelve semifinalists will be selected from all the applicants who submit business ideas by September 16th.
Those semi-finalists will then compete in Juneau, where they will get help refining their business plans. Two finalists will then be chosen to receive awards of up to $40,000 to develop their businesses.
That competition is looking for entries. Blumenshine described what they’re looking for:
“Who can apply? The competition is open to all Southeast Alaska residents. The competition is open to individuals, and for-profit businesses, and tribal entities. Who are we looking for? We are looking for applicants that have a new business, or start-up business idea – or an existing business that could potentially be maybe struggling, or needs a little more focus, needs some technical services, in order to try and make their business a little more successful, or to expand it.”
For more information on the competition, including an upcoming informational webinar, go to www.p2pweb.org.