The filing period for candidates seeking local elected office for the Ketchikan City Council, or the Ketchikan Gateway Borough Assembly and School Board opened Thursday, and one candidate was bright and early with his paperwork.
Borough Assembly Member Alan Bailey filed this Thursday morning to run for re-election to his seat on the Assembly.
Bailey is completing his first term on the Assembly. He said he believes he still has something to offer the community as an Assembly member.
“I think I bring to the table common sense and a sense of trying to find a middle ground,” he said. “I’m a pretty conservative guy normally, but there’s a sense of community of, where there’s need, we have to pay attention to that. And I think I’ve been able to do that the last three years.”
Bailey said the community has given him great opportunities, and he wants to help offer opportunities to future generations. To that end, he hopes to improve and continue the borough’s economic development efforts.
Bailey also talked about the Assembly’s sometimes contentious relationship with the Ketchikan School Board, especially when it comes to the local contribution to the school district’s annual budget. He said school funding is a top priority for him.
“That can be a controversial and difficult issue, and I think we’ve always tried to find a middle road, with trying to find the funding for our school district,” he said. “It is critical, it is important. But at the same time, you can’t give away the entire farm at the expense of seniors and raising taxes and making adverse work conditions.”
Bailey also said he’s pleased with the Assembly’s decision this past year to contribute $1 million to the City of Ketchikan’s Whitman Lake hydroelectric dam project.
There are two three-year terms open on the Assembly, School Board and City Council each. On the Assembly, those seats are now held by Bailey and Bill Rotecki, on the School Board, the open seats are held by Ginny Clay and Dave Timmerman, and City Council Members Dick Coose and Matt Olsen are completing their terms this year.
After deadline Thursday, KRBD received notice that Coose had just filed for re-election.
The filing period for candidates ends August 25. The local election is October 1.
Information about the City of Saxman’s candidate filing period was not available for this report.