A roof repair job for the downtown Centennial Building is on the Ketchikan City Council agenda for tonight, Thursday. The roof is leaking, and water is getting inside the space that, until the end of last year, had been the home of the Ketchikan Public Library.
The $65,000 estimate would be a quick fix to repair flashing on the flat roof. If the city wants to eventually replace the roof, it will cost significantly more.
The Council also will consider a request to declare a public emergency so that the Port and Harbors Department can quickly arrange for Pool Engineering to install a new double bollard at Berth III. Cruise Line Agencies of Alaska recently informed the city that the bollard would be needed for cruise ships visiting this season.
The new bollard would cost nearly $40,000.
The Council also will consider a request from O’Brien’s Pub for an outdoor St. Patrick’s Day celebration on March 16 and 17. Willie O’Brien hopes to set up a tent in the parking lot next to his pub for live music; and to organize a short St. Patrick’s Day parade from Deermount to the new downtown fire station.
The city estimates that the parade would cost the city up to $1,500 in organizing costs and traffic control.
The City Council meeting starts at 7 p.m. in Council chambers. Public comment will be heard at the start of the meeting.