Definition of a Commentary:
Commentaries are opinion pieces recorded by individuals and are meant for the advancement of public discourse.
General Policy:
- Commentaries must be no more than three minutes in length and limited to a single topic.
- Commentators must identify themselves once during the recorded commentary.
- Each commentary shall play once during the KRBD Evening Report and twice during Morning Edition.
- KRBD shall play the following disclaimer at the end of each commentary:
“The opinions expressed in commentaries on KRBD do not necessarily reflect the opinions of KRBD’s staff, volunteers, board of directors or underwriters. KRBD encourages you to share your thoughts with our listeners in the form of a commentary. If you would like to record a commentary, contact the station at 225-9655 during regular business hours.”
- All commentaries must be submitted in writing to KRBD’s News Director at least 24 hours prior to recording for approval.
- Commentaries may only be recorded by a person residing within KRBD’s listening area.
- Individuals are limited to one commentary every two months, not to exceed six commentaries a year.
- KRBD will make every effort to play the commentary in a timely manner, with the understanding that news events shall take precedence.
- Candidates for public office shall not record commentaries between the time of filing for office and the election in which they are on the ballot.
- KRBD reserves the right to edit commentaries for time, coherence and taste.
- Commentaries shall not be slanderous, inflammatory or demeaning to a group or individual.
- Commentaries shall not be used to promote or attack a business, organization, political candidate or religion.
Rejection of a Commentary:
- KRBD reserves the right to reject a commentary. A commentator may appeal the News Director’s decision to the station’s General Manager, whose ruling on the matter will be final.
Policy approved by the KRBD Board of Directors March 18, 2009